Lab//Kino Kinotopía Open Call

14 Lab//Kino “Kinotopía”

Cine Colectivo invites independent filmmakers who work in the areas of acting, production, scriptwriting, direction, photography, music, makeup, sound, art direction, editing, animation, and anyone interested in co-producing, together with Cine Colectivo and Luxo Studio, short film projects within the framework of the 14 Lab//Kino, which will take place from December 7 to 14, 2024 in the city of León, Guanajuato.


Lab//Kino is an international film production laboratory where for 8 days 70 filmmakers produce, edit and screen different short films through experience, collaboration, and experimentation, joining together to generate effective and efficient solutions in film production.



‘Do well with nothing, do better with little, but do it now!’



14 Lab//Kino consists of two days of workshops, a production meeting, five days of filming (10 hours per project), post-production and finally a premiere gala. All of this in the city of León, Guanajuato, located in the center of Mexico and known as the world capital of leather and footwear, which has various types of locations ideal for film production. In this fourteenth edition you will have to commit to participating every day of the Lab.  



Sunday, December 1st Pre-production meeting (online)

Saturday, December 7th Workshops // Screening // Welcome party.

Sunday, December 8th Workshops // Official Reception

Monday, December 9th Production meeting // Opening clapper

Monday, December 9th - Friday, December 13th Filming (Assigned and authorized by the committee)

Wednesday, December 11th - Friday, December 13th Editing nights at Luxo Studio headquarters

Saturday, December 14th Red Carpet // Gala Premiere // Closing Party  




At Lab//Kino we are looking for people who want to belong to a large community of artists and identify with the following characteristics:


  • Be of legal age.
  • Openness to collaborate in different cinematographic roles and share their work in a minimum of 3 projects.
  • Commitment and professionalism in the agreements made between participants and with the organizing committee.
  • Thanks to all the people involved: organizing committee, participants and sponsors through the curtains in all versions of the short film.
  • Sense of collaboration in loaning equipment, props, locations and transportation.
  • Availability to live the ENTIRE Lab//Kino experience from December 7 to 14: Workshops, production meeting, parties, opening toast, filming, and premiere gala.
  • Sharing the values ​​of tolerance, inclusion, sustainability, respect and collaboration
  • We have a zero tolerance policy for abuse or harassment of any kind, so any complaint is taken very seriously and will be followed through.
  • If you have participated in previous editions in the direction and/or co-production of a short film, you must have delivered the final cut, press kit and complied with the rules during your participation.






  • The projects to be carried out during the 14th Lab//Kino will be short fiction, documentary, experimental and animation films.
  • Only original scripts submitted in professional PDF format will be considered.
  • 8 pages of script maximum. (The theme is free.)
  • The shooting must be a maximum of 10 hours.
  • 2 main actors maximum.
  • 3 locations maximum (within the city of León, Gto. and previously authorized by the organizing committee)
  • Exclusive use of original music (a library of original music with a license for use in the projects will be available)
  • Only one project per person may be registered.
  • The official 14th Lab//Kino curtains must be included in all versions and screenings of the short film.
  • Only 1 (ONE) day of shooting may be assigned (not divisible)
  • The projects will be selected based on the viability of the production.
  • The crew must be made up ONLY of participants accepted to the 14th Lab//Kino without exception.
  • The event is completely free, however, Lab//Kino, Cine Colectivo and Luxo Studio will not cover any expenses that may be generated during the pre-production, production, post-production and distribution stages, as well as any responsibilities that may arise during filming. It is the obligation of the short film director or, where appropriate, of the production.
  • Each project may be assigned a production manager, a location manager and a casting director, selected by Cine Colectivo.




  • As this is a co-production with Cine Colectivo and Luxo Studio, the Lab//Kino committee will be able to provide and advise in the following areas:
  • Some equipment needs such as sound, camera and lighting.
  • Recording booth for ADR, music, foleys and dubbing.
  • Editing room with furniture and internet (without computer equipment).
  • We can offer accommodation for foreign participants (without a companion).
  • Food for all registered participants during the production stage (from December 11 to 16).



  • This call will be open until October 2 of this year 2024
  • To participate it will be required:
  • Fill out a participant registration form: You must include a 1-minute video where you mention the reasons why you want to participate in the 14th Lab//Kino. This registration is individual and does not guarantee your participation, you must wait for the acceptance message.
  • If you have a short film script that you want to co-produce, you must fill out a project registration form: You must also include your script in .pdf extension and a 1-minute video pitch where you tell us the synopsis of your story, production values ​​and how you are going to solve them, as well as a festival route before October 2. This registration is only for projects, the applicant must also fill out the participant form.

The videos must be hosted on a platform that does not expire and can be accessed (Vimeo, Google Drive, YouTube, Dropbox, etc., avoid wetransfer).



The results of the call will be announced on October 21, 2024. Participants will be notified via WhatsApp and the selected projects will be announced on our social networks. If you are accepted, you must confirm your participation by replying to the message before October 28. If you do not receive a response, your place will be awarded to another person. If your short film is produced during Lab//Kino, you must:

  • Give Cine Colectivo and Luxo Studio the rights to exhibit in special shows.
  • Include Lab//Kino screeners at the beginning and end of the short films.
  • Announce the achievements of your project to the organizing committee and your crew.
  • Include Lab//Kino, Cine Colectivo, and Luxo Studio as co-producers.
  • The people responsible for the direction and production of the project agree to sign all the documents required by the Organizing Committee.
  • The production folder must be submitted no later than December 1, 2024, which must include: short and long synopsis, final script draft, breakdown, aesthetic and visual proposal, shooting plan, shooting list, for which the Lab//Kino committee will offer advice throughout the pre-production stage.
  • The first cut of the short films made during the Lab//Kino week must be delivered for exhibition during the Premiere Gala on Saturday, December 14 at 12:00 pm at the latest. Lab//Kino projects the short films as they are delivered and does not calibrate the projector for each short film, so it is not responsible for out-of-frame or very dark projections.
  • The final cut of the short films must be delivered along with their press kit to the Lab//Kino team no later than March 23, 2025.





This lab aims to offer a better experience to the community, and the requirements specified in this call are aimed at having a better project for all participants. Cine Colectivo is a non-profit civil association dedicated to the management of film projects in Guanajuato and other latitudes. Lab//Kino is a Cine Colectivo project that has been in the works since 2011.


Year after year a group of filmmakers meets to manage this lab, from project design, graphic concept, logistics, strategic alliances, production, loan of venues and the closing screening.


* Any situation not foreseen in this call will be considered by the organizing committee. If you want to collaborate to make this a better experience through a 0financial contribution, you can write to the email: